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From Scrubs to Startups: 6 Essential Questions Nurses Should Ask Before Launching a Business

2025 beginner questions entrepreneurship how to start a writing business

By Elizabeth Hanes BSN RN
Freelance health journalist and founder of RN2writer

Elizabeth is a former nurse turned six-figure freelance writer. Her work has appeared in WebMD, Verywell Health, Cardinal Health, and many other major healthcare brands and publications. She now helps nurses transition to freelance writing through RN2writer.

Are you a nurse dreaming of trading 12-hour shifts for entrepreneurship? You're not alone. Many healthcare professionals are discovering that their clinical skills can translate beautifully into successful business ventures—especially freelance writing. But before you hang up your stethoscope, it's worth taking a moment for some honest self-reflection. Starting a writing business - or any business - requires a different mindset than bedside nursing—and understanding your readiness is crucial for success.

1. How comfortable am I with uncertainty?

As a nurse, you work within structured protocols and systems. There's comfort in knowing exactly what to do when a patient's oxygen levels drop or when medication needs to be administered. But entrepreneurship is filled with unknowns.

When launching a freelance writing business, you'll face periods where outcomes aren't guaranteed. Your next writing client isn't promised, and your revenue may fluctuate month to month as you build your portfolio of healthcare content clients.

Ask yourself: Can I sleep at night not knowing exactly what tomorrow brings? The nurses who thrive in freelance writing can embrace uncertainty while taking calculated risks to move forward.

2. Am I self-motivated when nobody's watching?

Hospital environments come with built-in accountability. There are charge nurses, managers, and patients who depend on you showing up and performing. But as a nurse writer, especially in the early days, you're answerable primarily to yourself.

There won't be anyone checking that you've pitched those publications, updated your writer's website, or followed up with potential healthcare clients. Your success depends entirely on your internal drive.

Consider how you handle projects when there's no external pressure. Do you procrastinate or push through? The most successful nurse writers consistently take action whether they feel like it or not.

3. How do I respond to failure?

In nursing, mistakes can have serious consequences, which is why the profession emphasizes precision and careful practice. But in business, failure is part of the growth process. You might pitch articles that get rejected, create content that needs significant revision, or underestimate your writing rates.

Reflect on past disappointments: Do you ruminate on failures or view them as learning opportunities? The nurse writers who thrive can analyze what went wrong, adjust their approach, and try again without taking rejection personally.

4. Do I have the patience for delayed gratification?

Nursing often provides immediate feedback—sometimes you administer treatment and see results quickly. Business is a longer game. Many nurse-owned writing businesses take 1-3 years to become stable.

Ask yourself: Can I commit to consistent effort even when the rewards aren't immediate? Building a health journalism practice, health content business, or wellness blog requires sustained commitment through the growth phase.

5. How do I feel about self-promotion?

Many nurses struggle with this transition. You've been trained to put others first and may feel uncomfortable highlighting your accomplishments. Yet marketing your writing services effectively means confidently communicating your value as a healthcare content expert.

Consider your comfort level with introducing yourself as a health writer, sharing your published work publicly, or asking directly for writing assignments. Successful nurse writers learn to advocate for their services with the same conviction they advocate for patients.

6. Am I willing to develop new skills outside my clinical expertise?

Your nursing knowledge might be the foundation of your writing business, but entrepreneurship requires additional capabilities. From understanding SEO and content marketing to learning about publication standards and editorial processes, you'll need to expand your skillset.

Reflect on your willingness to become a perpetual student again. Are you excited about mastering writing techniques, pitching strategies, or business operations? The most adaptable nurse writers embrace continuous learning beyond their clinical education.

Moving Forward With Clarity

If you found yourself hesitating on some of these questions, don't be discouraged. Many successful nurse writers didn't start with all these traits perfectly developed. The awareness you're gaining now is the first step toward preparing yourself for the entrepreneurial journey.

Remember that your nursing background has already equipped you with invaluable skills: specialized healthcare knowledge, clear communication, and genuine empathy. These qualities create an excellent foundation for writing success when paired with entrepreneurial mindset development.

Whether you're considering starting a health writing business, nurse blogging practice, medical content service, or online nursing education platform—taking the time for honest self-assessment now will save you challenges later and help you build a writing business aligned with your strengths.

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About RN2writer

We offer training in the best remote, work-from-home nursing job - freelance health writing. If you’re looking for the perfect side hustle for nurses or a full-time nurse business, you can rely on RN2writer to deliver educational courses, coaching, and community for nurses of all degrees, licensures, and backgrounds across the U.S., Canada, and beyond. We welcome all nurses: RN, LPN, NP, APRN, CRNA, FNP, CNM, etc. We also serve other healthcare clinicians and professionals: CNA, MD, PA, LCSW, PharmD, radiology tech, CEO, CNO, CMO, and anyone else with a background in healthcare. Welcome!
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